WWE All-Stars
Platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii, PSP, Playstation 2 Release: March 29, 2011
Developer: THQ San Diego Publisher: THQ
Being the huge wrestling fan that I am, I never really kept up with any of the WWE games. The first few wrestling games I owned and played the crap out of were Wrestlemania 2000 for Nintendo 64 and WWF Smackdown! for the Playstation. Ever since then I've played various wrestling games such as WWE Day of Reckoning along with various entries in the Smackown! vs. Raw series. With WWE All-Stars, it would appear that THQ is taking the wrestling genre back to the over-the-top roots we haven't experienced in real wrestling since the Attitude era. With action-figure like character models to over the top signature and special moves, All-Stars looks to be much more NBA Jam than Smackown! vs. Raw. Gameplay mechanics that rely on health bars rather than body damage is an awesome throwback to all of the 90's wrestling games that I grew up on. With all of the superstars of past and present and not to mention air combos and grabs WWE All-Stars looks to be the wrestling game I've been waiting for all these years.
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation 3 Release: February 15, 2011
Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom

It's been over ten years since Marvel vs. Capcom 2 hit shelves which allowed people to Maximum Spider and Sentinel Force their friends for years to come. With MvC2 appearing on Xbox Live and the Playstation Network in 2009, Marvel vs Capcom 3 was announced just a year later which had people wondering for months which Capcom legends or Marvel heroes would make the cut. It's safe to say that MvC3 has a great balance of classic Capcom/Marvel characters as well as newer fighters that brought the series up to date in its ten year absence. Yes, I know the game came out last week but since I haven't received my copy from Capcom's wonderful online store I'm still anticipating the damn game. All I can say from the previews is that graphically this game looks fantastic and the voice acting is superb. If the game is just as well done as the aesthetics and fan service then we've got a game worthy of the ten year wait.
L.A. Noire
Platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation 3 Release: May 17, 2011
Developer: Team Bondi Publisher: Rockstar Games

Coming off the success of 2010 game of the year Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games is looking to keep the streak alive in 2011 with L.A. Noire. What makes L.A. Noire stand out to me are the life-like facial animations powered by MotionScan. I can't speak enough about the graphics and animation; the game looks gorgeous. But of course, I'd be naive to buy a game based on looks alone. The gameplay shown in the trailers doesn't disappoint either. It blends fire-fighting and brawling with investigative detective work and open world exploration to achieve a better appreciation of 1947's crime infested Los Angeles. A mixture of Heavy Rain and Grand Theft Auto with a extra bit of noire pulp is what I get out of L.A. Noire. If Rockstar can blend all of these elements in a way that gives the player a gameplay and cinematic experience like I know Rockstar can, then we have a sure-fire Game of the Year in L.A. Noire.
Batman: Arkham City
Platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Windows Release: Q3 2011
Developer: Rocksteady Studios Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive

The greatest Batman game ever made gets a sequel this year. The unfortunately named Arkham City takes the madhouse from the asylum to Gotham. This time around Quincy Sharp and Hugo Strange created a small section of Gotham to better house asylum inmates. However, Two-Face decides to publicly execute Catwoman in order to prove his superiority over his fellow inmates. This is where The Dark Knight straps on his utility belt and takes on the dark depths of Arkham once again. Of course, a wounded Joker is hiding menacingly and enigmatically behind the scenes. I can't wait to see what Bats has in store for gamers this fall.
Platform: Playstation 3 Release: 2011
Developer: thatgamecompany Publisher: Sony

From the people who brought you Flower, which focused on the beauty of wind and nature, bring an emphasis on the beauty of sand and solitude in Journey. The entire point of the game is to take a cloaked woman across an endless desert towards a giant luminous mountain. During the journey, you may encounter anonmyous PSN players who may help you out with certain puzzles. Eventually, the people you encounter will go their separate ways as no two players' goals are in the same location. The game, much like Flower, already feels like pure poetry and will no doubt add a greater layer of depth and wonder to an enigmatic adventure.
The Last Guardian
Platforms: Playstation 3 Release: Q4 2011
Developer: Team Ico Publisher: Sony

Team Ico's much anticipate successor to Shadow of the Colossus and Ico provides much of the same atmosphere experienced in those two classics. Unlike SotC and Ico, the boy protagonist of The Last Guardian is not trying to rescue a dainty princess. The boy must escape a royal army with the help of a giant griffin named Trico. The boy must complete puzzles and utilize Trico to overcome obstacles in order to continue their journey. The relationship between the boy and Trico mirrors the relationships of Ico & Yorda, and Wander & Aggro. The Last Guardian appears to be very story and atmosphere driven game which will defnitely be another artistic wonder from the minds of Team Ico.
The Last Story
Platform: Wii Release: TBA
Publisher: Mistwalker Publisher: Nintendo
With the downfall of JRPGs in the past couple years, there hasn't been much on the horizon for lovers of the genre. The Last Story hopes to change that. Nintendo and Mistwalker bring an action packed RPG that turns away from turn based combat and embraces free roaming combat with third person shooting and close quarters swordplay much like Demon's Souls but with an increased pace. The story could be a hit or miss as most JRPGs are but a great combat style could make up for a lackluster storyline. Although I trust that The Last Story will bring great cinematic story telling. The game was released last month in Japan to rave reviews which just makes the wait for an American release that much more unbearable.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Platforms: Wii Release: 2011
Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo

I haven't missed a major Zelda release since I can remember and I don't plan on skipping Skyward Sword. Not much has been revealed about the game yet except for the beautiful Wind Waker/Twilight Princess hybrid graphics. Apparently, Skyward Sword will be a rather different 3D Zelda experience with WiiMotionPlus swordplay, a stamina meter, and a departure from the traditional dungeon-to-overworld gameplay. I'm not too too sure what they plan to do for the latest Zelda entry but I know it will be another great experience.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Platforms: Nintendo 3DS Release: TBA
Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo

Ocarina of Time port, with better graphics, in 3D. Need I say more. The greatest masterpiece in gaming history will now be portable with a few enhancements. I don't know about you but that's enough for a first day buy.
Platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation 3 Release: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Developer: Atlus Persona Team Publisher: Atlus

What else can I say about Catherine other than "What the hell!?!?!" Catherine is a puzzle/adventure game blended with pure Japanese anime weirdness. I have no idea if it's going to be a good game, bad game or even what kind of game it's going to end up being. All I know is that I want to play it. It's got a lot of sex, a lot of puzzles, and whole lot of Japan. Editor's Note: Oh, and Atlus just announced that Catherine will NOT be coming out anywhere outside of Japan. What the hell Fatlus!!!!?!?!?!?!?
Other games I want but don't have much time to talk about:
Duke Nukem Forever
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Mass Effect 3
Kid Icarus: Uprising
There you have it. Awesome games equals an awesome year. So whatever you like, go out and buy it, play it and enjoy it!